Guide: Header and footer templates

Learn how to set and format page headers and footers.

When creating jobs, the header_template and footer_template parameters can be used to insert headers, footers, or both on each page.

Be sure to set a large enough margin_top (for headers) or margin_bottom (for footers).

Otherwise, the page content might overlap and hide your header or footer.

The template must be in HTML format. You can add the following classes to an element to substitute a dynamic value into that element on each page:

  • pageNumber - the current page number

  • totalPages - the total number of pages in the document

  • date - the current date

  • title - the title of the web page

  • url - the URL of the web page

When setting a header or footer template, there are two crucial points to note:

  1. You must use header_template in conjunction with margin_top and footer_template in conjunction with margin_bottom.

  2. CSS from the web page does not flow down to the header or the footer. Specifically, you'll want to set a font-size for your template so that the text is legible.

<div style='margin: auto; font-size: 10px; text-align: center; font-family: Roboto;'>
  <span class='pageNumber'></span>
  <span class='totalPages'></span>

Example API request

Here's an example new job API request (in JSON format) which sets a footer and a bottom margin:

  "url": "",
  "footer_template": "Footer content goes here...",
  "margin_bottom": "3cm"

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